Infant Sleep Position and the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

A questionnaire survey was conducted to assess the impact of the April 1992 American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force Statement, "Infant Positioning and SIDS," on the routine advice provided by pediatricians in Minnesota to families with newborn infants regarding sleep practices, including sleep position. There was a trend toward more discussion between all pediatric practice groups and families regarding infant sleep practices following the AAP Sleep Position Statement (P<0.001-0.003). Prone sleep recommendations ranged from 9.2% for newborn infants to 21.4% for infants 6 months of age. Recommendations for the supine or lateral sleep positions predominated at all infant ages. Pediatricians in private practice were more likely to identify the AAP Statement as establishing a medicolegal standard (P<0.05). We conclude that the 1992 AAP Statement has had a significant impact on the routine advice provided to families regarding infant sleep practices, including infant sleep position.