Saturation in degenerate four-wave mixing : theory for a two-level atom

We present in this paper a theory of the saturation effects in degenerate four-wave mixing which makes use of the dressed-atom method. We mainly study the case of a Doppler-broadened line, but several results can be applied to the case of nearly degenerate four-wave mixing for a Doppler-free medium. We show that a close relationship does exist between the two problems : the generated beam is mainly created when the detuning between two incident beams is equal to the Rabi frequency. In the degenerate case, this condition is fulfilled by two velocity groups because of the Doppler shift. We analytically calculate the lineshapes for two-level atoms in the case of forward saturation (the intense pump beam propagates in the same direction than the probe beam) and in the case of backward saturation (the intense pump beam and the probe beam propagate in opposite directions). We also study collisional effects and the influence of the intensity of the weak pump beam when perturbation theory can no longer be applied