Antinucleon as a probe of nuclear spin and isospin excitations

Using two models for the antinucleon-nucleon (N¯N) interaction, we obtain complex, energy dependent N¯N transition operators t appropriate for (N¯, N¯) inelastic scattering studies on complex nuclei. It is shown that the spin-isospin dependence of the N¯N annihilation potential plays an important role in determining the dominant spin-isospin modes in the nuclear response. In particular, for the most realistic of our N¯N models, a large spin dependent component tσ is obtained, leading to the strong excitation of isoscalar spin-flip states; this term is suppressed in the corresponding NN t matrix. The central spin and isospin independent term, t0c, is large for N¯N, at all relevant momentum transfers q. At high q the isoscalar spin-orbit (t0LS) and isovector tensor (tτT) components are important. Cross section and analyzing power predictions for N¯ inelastic scattering as well as corrections due to energy and density dependence are discussed.