A Rapid Micro Blood Volume Method in Laboratory Animals.

Summary A micro-method of blood volume determination using commercially available I131-human serum albumin has been described. From a single sample of 25 μl of blood withdrawn from a peripheral site, it is possible to obtain total blood volume, plasma volume and hematocrit in not more than 15 minutes. Normal values are presented for these parameters in the mouse, hamster, rat, guinea pig and rabbit. The normal value for total blood volume by this method was 7.0 to 8.3 ml/100 g of body weight in the rat, hamster, guinea pig and rabbit. A value of 13.3 ml/100 g of body weight was found for the mouse. The plasma volume for all the animal species tested was 3.9 to 5.0 ml/100 g of body weight, with the exception of the mouse. The plasma volume found in the mouse was 8.8 ml/100 g of body weight. There was good agreement of these results when compared to the macro-method which requires a minimum of 2 ml of blood.

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