Filamentous actin bundles in the kidney

The distribution of filamentous actin bundles in the rat kidney was studied using a fluorescent phallotoxin label and transmission electron microscopy. The microvillous brush border lining proximal tubules, smooth muscle in renal vessels, and renal corpuscles were the structures most intensely labeled with rhodamine phalloidin. Closer evaluation of renal copuscles revealed intense labeling of filamentous actin within podocyte foot processes eveloping the glomerular capillary loops. Rhodamine phalloidin also labeled basal bands of filamentous actin in the parietal epithelium and basal bands of actin in proximal and distal tubules. Finally, a band of filamentous actin was evident along the innermost aspect of the kidney capsule, within cells which often joined to form sinus‐like compartments.