Studies on the Nicotine Exposure of Individual Smokers. I. Changes in Mouth-Level Exposure to Nicotine on Switching to Lower Nicotine Cigarettes

Human subjects [Ss] (24) smoked 2 brands of filter-tipped tobacco cigarettes delivering different amounts of nicotine, on the following 4-wk schedule: smoking their usual brand for 1 wk; smoking another brand similar in size, but delivering less nicotine, for 2 wk; and reverting to their usual brand for 1 wk. The amount of nicotine entering the mouth, the mouth-level exposure, was estimated from a determination of the amount of nicotine trapped in the filter of each cigarette smoked. A substantial variation was found in mouth-level exposure, even among smokers of cigarettes that deliver similar amounts of nicotine when smoked on a machine under standard conditions. For the majority of Ss, changing to a lower nicotine cigarette reduced the total daily mouth-level exposure to nicotine and the total tar intake.