Osmotic pressure and viscoelastic shear moduli of concentrated emulsions

We present an experimental study of the frequency ω dependence and volume fraction φ dependence of the complex shear modulus G*(ω,φ) of monodisperse emulsions which have been concentrated by an osmotic pressure Π. At a given φ, the elastic storage modulus G(ω)=Re[G*(ω)] exhibits a low-frequency plateau Gp, dominating the dissipative loss modulus G(ω)=Im[G*(ω)] which exhibits a minimum. Above a critical packing fraction φc, we find that both Π(φ) and Gp(φ) increase quasilinearly, scaling as (φφc)μ, where φcφcrcp, the volume fraction of a random close packing of spheres, and μ is an exponent close to unity. To explain this result, we develop a model of disordered droplets which interact through an effective repulsive anharmonic potential, based on results obtained for a compressed droplet. A simulation based on this model yields a calculated static shear modulus G and osmotic pressure Π that are in excellent agreement with the experimental values of Gp and Π.