Pharmacokinetics of Pancuronium in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Surgery With and Without Low Dose Dopamine

Pancuronium is frequently used in coronary artery surgery, but its pharmacokinetics in these patients are still unknown. It is possible that dopamine, administered to prevent renal impairment induced by the surgery, might promote the elimination of pancuron ium. Therefore, the pharmacokinetics of a bolus dose of pancuronium were studied in 2 groups of coronary artery surgery patients, with and without dopamine 2 µg/kg/min, administered during and after cardiopulmonary bypass. Dopamine in the administered dose did not influence the systemic haemodynamics. The pharmacokinetic variables in both groups did not differ from those found in an earlier study in healthy normothcrmic patients. Total renal clearance was not influenced by dopamine, due to post-bypass rebound hyperperfusion in the control group. Pancuronium was shown to be subject to considerable tubular reabsorption, and its elimination was found to be increased during hypothermia. Dopamine increases pancuronium elimination by an increase in glomerular filtration rate. The dopamine-induced decrease in tubular solute reabsorption did not enhance the elimination of pancuronium.