Electrostatic Layer-by-Layer Nanoassembly on Biological Microtemplates: Platelets

Platelets were coated with 78-nm silica nanoparticles, 45-nm fluorescent nanospheres, or bovine immunoglobulin G (IgG) through layer-by-layer assembly by alternate adsorption with oppositely charged linear polyions. Sequential deposition on platelet surfaces of cationic poly(dimethyldiallylammonium chloride) and anionic poly(styrene sulfonate) was followed by adsorption of nanoparticles or immunoglobulins. Nano-organized shells of platelets were demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy and fluorescence microscope images. Bovine IgG was assembled on platelets, as verified with anti-bovine IgG-FITC labeling. Localized targeting of anti-IgG shelled platelets was also demonstrated. An ability to coat blood cells with nano-organized shells can have applications in cardiovascular research and targeted drug delivery.