The geographical distribution of Xiphinema and Longidorus nematodes in the British Isles and Ireland

SUMMARY: The distribution of Xiphinema and Longidorus species in the British Isles and Ireland were mapped by means of a computer programme from 5527 records. Longidorus caespiticola, L. elongatus, L. goodeyi and L. leptocephalus were found to be widespread among a wide range of vegetation types, particularly in grassland and arable crops; L. macrosoma and L. profundorum were recorded frequently in southern and central England, and L. attenuatus in East Anglia; L. vineacola was recorded once only in Eire. Paralongidorus maximus was recorded from two localities in eastern Scotland and one in southern England, on each occasion from intensively cultivated ground. Four species of Xiphinema were recorded but only X. diversicaudatum is widespread although apparently with a northerly limit in central Scotland; X. diversicaudatum was equally prevalent in arable crops, grassland and deciduous woodland; X. coxi and X. vuittenezi were recorded from a few scattered localities in England, and the few records for X. mediterraneum were all from Kent, south east England. All species were found in a wide range of soil types but mostly in light soils with a large sand fraction. Many of the species occurred together in mixed populations; L. caespiticola was most frequently associated with X. diversicaudatum and with L. leptocephalus and L. elongatus. X. diversicaudatum also was commonly found with L. goodeyi. Viruses were transmitted in laboratory bait tests in only eighteen of 325 soil samples containing X. diversicaudatum and four of 265 containing L. elongatus.