XYL, a nonconjugative xylene-degradative plasmid in Pseudomonas Pxy

Pseudomanas Pxy metabolizes p- or m-xylene through intermediate formation of the corresponding methylbenzyl alcohol and toluic acid via the meta pathway. The strain Pseudomonas Pxy spontaneously loses its ability to grow with xylene or toluate, and the rate of loss of this ability is greatly enhanced by treatment of the cells with mitomycin C. The assay of enzymes involved in xylene degradation in xylene-negative Pxy cells indicates the loss of the entire enzyme complement of the pathway. The genes specifying all the xylene-degradative enzymes, including those of the meta pathway, appear to be borne on a nonconjugative plasmid and can be transferred to xylene-negative Pxy or P. putida strain PpG1 cells only in the presence of a transfer plasmid termed factor K. When transferred to strain PpG1, the xylene-degradative plasmid, termed XYL, coexists stably with factor K, but transduction of XYL is not accompanied by a cotransfer of factor K. XYL appears to be compatible wit- all the other known degradative plasmids in P. putida. The xylene pathway is inducible in wild-type Pxy as well as in Pxy and PpG1 exconjugants, suggesting the cotransfer of regulatory genes along with the plasmid. The enzymes converting xylene to toluate are induced by xylene, methylbenzyl alcohol, or the aldehyde derivatives but not significantly by toluate, whereas catechol dioxygenase and other enzymes are induced by toluates and presumable by xylene as well.