Characteristics of Some Multiply Recombination-Deficient Strains of Escherichia coli

Strains of Escherichia coli have been made carrying lesions in more than one gene determining recombination. The following genotypes were constructed and verified: recC22 recB21 recA + , recC22 recB21 recA13, recC22 recB + recA13 , and recC + recB21 recA13 . All multiple rec strains carrying recA13 were similar to AB2463, which carries recA13 alone, in their UV sensitivities, recombination deficiencies, and inabilities to induce lambda phage in a lysogen. However, whereas AB2463 shows a high rate of ultraviolet (UV)-induced deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) breakdown, the multiple rec strains showed the low level characteristic of strains carrying recC22 or recB21 alone. The strain carrying both recC22 and recB21 was similar in all properties to the single mutants, suggesting that both gene products act in the same part of the recombination and UV repair pathways. It is concluded that in a Rec + strain, the recA + product acts to inhibit DNA breakdown determined by the recC + and recB + products.