For a number of YBa2Cu3O7δ single crystals with various oxygen concentrations and differing values of the zero magnetic-field critical temperature Tc0, the Hall effect has been investigated between 10 and 300 K by applying magnetic fields Hc and currents Ic, where c denotes the direction perpendicular to the Cu-O planes of this material. These measurements yield that the sign change of the Hall voltage close to Tc0 varies with δ and eventually disappears in heavily oxygen-depleted YBa2Cu3O7δ single crystals. Such behavior can qualitatively be explained by a model calculation based on the time-dependent Ginsburg-Landau theory. In the normal state, we find that the Hall coefficient RH and the Hall angle θH vary as RH1T and cotθHT2 in an extended temperature range, as has previously been found for fully oxygenated YBa2Cu3O7 and YBa2Cu3yMyO7 (M=Ni, Zn). Deviations from these behaviors for both RH1 and cotθH are observed below a characteristic temperature T*, whereby T* increases with decreasing Tc0, i.e., increasing oxygen depletion. This implies a temperature-induced variation of the normal-state electronic spectrum and/or the scattering parameters governing the electronic transport of this material.

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