Rochalimaea Infections

Rochalimaeaare gram-negative bacteria that are recently discovered agents of new clinical syndromes, including bacillary angiomatosis (BA) and bacillary peliosis hepatis, and two well-known diseases, cat scratch disease (CSD) and trench fever. Trench fever, first described as an epidemic infection in World War I, was attributed to louse-borneRochalimaea quintanainfections, which were thought to be quite rare in the United States.Rochalimaea henselaeis a newly described member of the genus,1very closely related toR quintana, and was first shown to be a causative agent of BA,2peliosis hepatis,3,4and a febrile bacteremia syndrome5in 1990. Recent studies have also demonstrated thatR quintanainfection can also produce BA in patients who have tested positive for the human immunodeficiency virus.6Rochalimaea henselaemay also cause a syndrome resembling trench fever in immunocompetent individuals exposed to tick bites,7and a few patients without