The retraction syndrome is a name applied to a group of cases in which there is a congenital deficiency of motility of the horizontal recti muscles. Numerous isolated cases were reported in the nineties by Sinclair,1 Türk,2 Bahr,3 Friedenwald4 and Treacher Collins.5 The first complete account was presented by J. Wolff,6 who described the symptoms more accurately and more fully than had been done before and also gave a well considered presentation of the different theories to explain the retraction. Duane7 collected 54 cases and described the syndrome and its varied picture in such detail that practically nothing new has been added. Recently Bielschowsky8 reported 68 cases and again stressed the varied and complex picture which this group of congenital muscular anomalies presents. This group of cases is characterized by all or some of the following peculiarities :