Production ofandX Rays by Protons of 1.0-3.7 MeV
- 1 April 1973
- journal article
- research article
- Published by American Physical Society (APS) in Physical Review A
- Vol. 7 (4) , 1269-1272
Cross sections for the production of x rays by protons have been determined at 1.00, 2.25, and 3.00 MeV. The production was measured for Ti, V, Fe, Ni, Cu, Ge, Rb, Zr, Ag, Sn, and Sb. The production was measured for Ce, Sm, Dy, Tm, W, Au, Pb, Bi, Th, and U. In addition, excitation functions were determined in 100-keV steps from 1.00 to 3.70 MeV for production in Ni, Ge, and Ag and for production in Sm, W, and Th. The results compare well with the predictions of the plane-wave Born approximation and the binary-encounter approximation.
This publication has 14 references indexed in Scilit:
- A target chamber for charged particle induced x-ray fluorescence studiesNuclear Instruments and Methods, 1972
- Yields ofandX Rays Arising from 2-30-MeV-Proton Bombardment of AgPhysical Review A, 1972
- X-Ray Production Cross SectionsPhysical Review A, 1970
- Study of the Production ofX Rays in Ca, Ti, and Ni by 2-28-MeV ProtonsPhysical Review A, 1970
- Accurate Analytical Self-Consistent-Field Wave Functions forPhysical Review A, 1970
- Tables for born approximation calculations of K- and L-shell ionization by protons and other charged particlesAtomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 1969
- X-Ray Production in theShell of Copper by 25- to 1700-eV ProtonsPhysical Review B, 1966
- Effect of Mass Splittings on Symmetry Relations between Scattering AmplitudesPhysical Review B, 1965
- Intensities of X-Rays andγRays inAm241Alpha DecayPhysical Review B, 1957
- Production of Characteristic X-Rays by Protons of 1.7- to 3-Mev EnergyPhysical Review B, 1953