Nitric Oxide Reversibly Suppresses Xanthine Oxidase Activity

The effects of nitric oxide (NO) on xanthine oxidase (XOD) activity and the site(s) of the redox center(s) affected were investigated. XOD activity was determined by superoxide (O2) generation and uric acid formation. NO reversibly and dose-dependently suppressed XOD activity in both determination methods. The suppression interval also disclosed a dose-dependent prolongation. The suppression occurred irrespective of the presence or absence of xanthine; indicating that the reaction product of NO and O2, peroxynitrite, is not responsible for the suppression. Application of synthesized peroxynitrite did not affect XOD activity up to 2 μM. Methylene blue, which is an electron acceptor from Fe/S center, prevented the NO-induced inactivation. The results indicate that NO suppresses XOD activity through reversible alteration of the flavin prosthetic site.