Neural networks contain, very often, asymmetric bonds. The interactions Jij and Jji between the ith and the jth neurons are not identical. In this paper we study the Langevin dynamics of fully connected spin systems whose interaction matrix contains a random antisymmetric part. The symmetric part consists of independent random bonds whose mean is either zero or ferromagnetic. We also consider a more general class of systems such as the asymmetric Hopfield model and other neural-network models. Within the framework of mean-field theory, the spin fluctuations are viewed as local, thermally averaged, time-dependent magnetic moments. These moments are induced by excess (i.e., nonthermal) internal noise which, in the presence of asymmetry, is time dependent and does not vanish even in the high-temperature phase. The mean-field equations are solved using a simplified, spherical model, in which the spins are linear variables except for a global constraint on the total level of their fluctuations. Random asymmetry of arbitrary strength destroys spin-glass freezing. Ferromagnetic phases, as well as ‘‘retrieval’’ states in neural networks, are affected only slightly by weak random asymmetry, in agreement with the conclusions of Hertz et al.