Muscular dystrophy in a litter of golden retriever dogs

Clinicopathologic findings from two golden retriever dogs with an inherited, progressive, degenerative muscle disease that were studied until 27 and 40 months of age are described. Initial clinical signs included stilted gait and simultaneous advancement of their pelvic limbs. Further gait restriction and muscle hypertrophy eventually occurred. Serum creatine kinase was dramatically elevated (>10,000 U/L). There were persistent “spontaneous” high-frequency discharges (pseudomyotonia) on electromyographic evaluation. Features of both muscle fiber degeneration (hyaline fibers, myophagocytosis) and regeneration (small basophilic fibers) were seen on light microscopy. Similar ultrastructural changes (fiber hypercontraction, increased myoblasts) were present. On morphometric histochemical evaluation, mean fiber diameter of both type 1 and 2 fibers was increased compared with controls in two of three muscles examined. There was no apparent fiber type predominance. Scattered ragged red fibers were seen, but this appeared to be a nonspecific finding of either muscle fiber regeneration or degeneration. These findings and potential contributing pathophysiologic mechanisms are discussed in relation to Duchenne muscular dystrophy.