Das Verhalten von Adenosindiphosphat, Adenosintriphosphat und anorganischem Phosphat in Yoshida-Ascites-Tumorzellen nach Einwirkung von Röntgenstrahlen

For the further clarification of the inhibition of glycolysis induced by irradiation in Yoshida ascites sarcoma cells, demonstrated earlier, the stationary concentration of adenosine diphosphate (ADP), adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and inorganic phosphate in the glucose-transforming tumor cells after irradiation with 25 r X-rays was determined. There was an increase in the stationary ADP concentration and a reduction of the ATP and inorganic phosphate in the irradiated cells. The results showed that the changes in the nucleotide concentration were not the cause, but rather the result of the inhibition of glycolysis. Also the decrease in inorganic phosphate does not cause the reduced glycolysis. Rather, the findings make it probable that irradiation affects the stages of triosephosphate dehydration, especially since iodacetate poisoning of the ascites tumor cells causes similar changes in the concentration of intermediate substances.