Culex (Eumelanomyia) Rubinotus Theobald as Vector of Banzi, Germiston and Witwatersrand Viruses III. Transmission of virus to hamsters by wild-caught infected C. rubinotus

In an area where high infection rates by Banzi, Germiston and Witwatersrand viruses were anticipated in a population of Culex rubinotus , wild-caught C. rubinotus were divided into lots and allowed to feed on hamsters, each lot on a single hamster. Isolation of virus from engorged mosquitoes was correlated with infection in the hamsters to demonstrate transmission of these viruses by C. rubinotus . Eleven of 16 (69%) lots infected with Banzi virus transmitted this virus. With Germiston and Witwatersrand viruses the equivalent rates were 4/5 (80%) and 10/14 (71%), respectively. It is concluded that C. rubinotus is an efficient vector of these viruses.