Concepts of disease change quickly in wartime as large numbers of men come under medical observation, many of them for the first time in their lives. In the past year, there have been frequent reports of cases of epidermolysis bullosa among militarzied personnel. Leider and Baer1 reported 2 cases, Frank2 1 case, Franks and Davis3 4 cases and Samitz4 1 case. In all these patients the manifestations were relatively mild and dystrophic changes were not seen. Of a total of 2,281 new patients seen in the past two years at the dermatologic clinic of the station hospital, Camp Croft, S. C., there were 5 with the simple type of epidermolysis bullosa. This is approximately 0.2 per cent of all dermatologic patients seen here and is, I believe, a higher incidence for this condition than is generally recognized. The clinical manifestations of the patients

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