Mixed Polyether-Polyester Multiblock Copolymer and its Blood Compatibility

A new type of polyether-polyester block copolymer (MPEE) consisting of two components of polyethers (PTMGT and PEGT) as soft segment and one polyester (PET) as hard segment has been synthesized. It has also been investigated in comparison with blended polyether-polyester block copolymer (BPEE) consisting of the same composition ratio of hard and soft segments and both of the two polyethers (PTMG and PEG). It was found that 1) Improvement of blood compatibility of polyether-polyester block copolymer can be achieved by introducing the hydrophilic component PEG into it; 2) generally the blood compatibility of MPEE is better than that of BPEE; 3) at a specific molar ratio of PTMGT-PET to PEGT-PET (60/40), the blended copolymer (BPEE 60/40) shows the best blood compatibility, as well as the best mechanical properties. This might be related to smaller-size microphaseseparated structures. The relationship between blood compatibility and structure of the copolymer is discussed. Polyether-polyester block copolymer containing hydrophilic and hydrophobic components might be a useful material with antithrombogenicity.