Scaling properties of scale-free evolving networks: Continuous approach

Scaling behavior of scale-free evolving networks arising in communications, citations, collaborations, etc. areas is studied. We derive universal scaling relations describing properties of such networks and indicate limits of their validity. We show that main properties of scale-free evolving networks may be described in frames of a simple continuous approach. The simplest models of networks, which growth is determined by a mechanism of preferential linking, are used. We consider different forms of this preference and demonstrate that the range of types of preference linking producing scale-free networks is wide. We obtain also scaling relations for networks with nonlinear, accelerating growth and describe temporal evolution of arising distributions. Size-effects - cut-offs of these distributions - implement restrictions for observation of power-law dependences. The main characteristic of interest is so-called degree distribution, i.e., distribution of a number of connections of nodes. A scaling form of the distribution of links between pairs of individual nodes for the growing network of citations is also studied. We describe effects that produce difference of nodes. ``Aging'' of nodes changes exponents of distributions. Appearence of a single ``strong'' node changes dramatically the degree distribution of a network. If its strength exceeds some threshold value, the strong node captures a finite part of all links of a network. We show that permanent random damage of a growing scale-free network - permanent deleting of some links - change radically values of the scaling exponents. We describe the arising rich phase diagram. Results of other types of permanent damage are described.

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