Nuclear spectroscopy with theNi62(Li7,He6)Cu63reaction

The levels of Cu63 with Ex2.51 MeV have been studied with the Ni62(Li7, He6)Cu63 reaction at E(Li7)=34 MeV to test the usefulness of this reaction as a spectroscopic tool. Elastic scattering data were taken for the Li7 + Ni62 and Li6 + Cu63 systems and optical model parameters were extracted so that finite range distorted-wave Born-approximation (DWBA) calculations could be performed. The DWBA differential cross sections well reproduce the shapes of the data. The absolute spectroscopic factors are in excellent over-all agreement with previously published light-ion studies, indicating that the extracted Li6 optical parameters are a reasonable approximation for the He6 optical parameters and that the Li7He6+p spectroscopic factor is in good agreement with the theoretical value of Cohen and Kurath. In addition, this reaction permits a clear distinction between p32 and p12 final-state configurations when very forward angle data are taken.