In 1920 Jonnesco1reported the cure of a case of angina pectoris by resection of the left cervical sympathetic system under local anesthesia. The patient was a male, aged 38, who gave a history of syphilis, abuse of alcohol and tobacco. He was seen March 19, 1916. First attack, Dec. 19, 1915. Violent palpitation, acute pain in precordial region, radiating to left arm; tightness of chest; fear of death. Duration one hour. January, 1916, he had a second attack. After this mercury treatment had no effect. March 14 and 18, third and fourth attacks. Examination showed no tabic or pretabic symptoms. Wassermann positive. Heart and aorta enlarged. Pulse, from 42 to 52. an arrhythmia every ten or fifteen beats not recorded on electrocardiogram. Lungs, temperature, abdomen, urine normal. Patient feels well in intervals of attacks. Fifth attack while in hospital. Heart beat rapidly and violently. Face pale; after a few