Studies in detoxication. 45. β-Glucuronidase and arylsulphatase in the crop fluid of locusts

The crop fluid of 2 spp. of locusts contains appreciable amts. of beta-glucuronidase and an arylsulfatase. The beta-glucuronidase was estimated with quinolyl-8-glucuronide as substrate, the liberated 8-hydroxyquinoline being estimated by coupling under specified conditions with Brentamine Fast Blue B salt (diazotized o-anisidine). The beta-glucuronidase of the crude crop liquor showed a single pH optimum at 4.5 and was present in all stages of development from the 1st instar to the full adult. The formation of glucuronic acid by the action of the crop liquor on a number of beta-glucuronides was proved by paper chromatography. Arylsulfatase was detected by the release of 4-nitrocatechol from K 2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenylsulfate. With this substrate the enzyme showed an optimum at about pH 6. Arylsulfatase activity was not found in human or goat salivas. beta-Glucuronidase may be connected with digestion in locusts.