TransTerm-97 contains more than 97 500 non-redun- dant coding-sequence initiation and termination con- texts compiled from GenBank, release 101 (15-June-1997). In addition, several coding sequence parameters are available: coding sequence length, Nc, GC3, and, w hen it i s c omputable, c odon a daptation index (CAI). C odon u sage t ables a nd s ummaries o f start and stop codon contexts are also included. The information covers more than 325 species and orga- nelles, including s even c omplete b acterial genomes and one c omplete e ukaryotic g enome. T o p romote research in translational control of protein synthesis, TransTerm has been converted into a relational data- base to e ase t he p rocess o f m aking q ueries. T he relational database manager, Postgresql, gives access to the d atabase u sing S QL ( Structured Q uery L an- guage). A W orld W ide W eb i nterface u sing f orms i s being completed to allow the casual user access to the database. Extensions are planned to include the full 54-UTR, full c oding s equence and 3 4-UTR. T rans- Term-97 is available on the World Wide Web at: http://biochem.otago.ac.nz:800/Transterm/homepage.html