Isolation and structural characterization of the bovine tyrosine hydroxylase gene

A bovine tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) cDNA probe was used to screen a charon 30 genomic library. Screening of approximately 1 million recombinant phage resulted in the identification of one clone, γB1, containing the entire bovine TH gene. Results derived from restriction endonuclease mapping and sequence analysis reveal that the bovine gene contains 13 exons spanning approximately 7 kb of genomic DNA. Determination of the transcription initiation site indicates that the TH gene has a 5′ untranslated region of 27 bp. A TATA‐box sequence is located between positions −29 and −24 from the transcription initiation site and a cyclic AMP regulatory element (CRE) between −45 and −38. Although the TH gene appears to be glucocorticoid responsive in vitro, no regions bearing identity to the consensus sequence for the glucocorticoid regulatory element (GRE) were detected within approximately 1.5 kb of 5′ flanking sequence. A cross‐species comparison of the 5′ flanking sequences of the bovine, rat, and human TH genes reveals strong sequence and positional conservation of seven sequence elements. An analysis of the nucleotide sequence within these elements reveals similarity to the consensus sequences reported for known cis‐acting regulatory elements and transcription factor binding sites, suggesting that they may play a role in the regulation of TH gene expression.