Reduced plasma oestrogen stimulated neurophysin and delayed response to oestrogen challenge in Alzheimer's disease

Synopsis Plasma concentrations of oestrogen stimulated neurophysin (ESN) were reduced in 28 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) compared with 14 age-matched controls, 16 patients with other presenile dementias and 12 patients with major depressive disorder. The ESN response to oestrogen challenge was delayed in 10 AD patients compared with 7 age-matched controls. Reduced basal and oestrogen stimulated plasma ESN may be related to impaired responsiveness of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial neurons and/or a reduction in the amount of pituitary ESN available for release. Plasma ESN measurements may be of value for excluding the diagnosis of AD in patients with dementia who present before the age of 65.