Studies on relationship between cysts and granulomas in murine cryptococcosis

The histopathology of murine cryptococcosis was observed until the 55th day and particular attention was paid to whether or not cysts, which had been formed in the brain, could change to granulomas. Cryptococcus neoformans RIB-12M was used in this experiment. As experimental animals, five-week-old male BALB/c mice, weighing 20–22 g, were used. An infective inoculum was prepared by adjusting the number of cryptococci to 106 or 5 × 106/0.2 ml. Each mouse was inoculated intravenously with 0.2 ml of the cell suspension, and the colony forming unit of the brain and liver, and the histopathological findings in various visceral organs were investigated. 40 × 104 colonies grew from 100 mg of the brain tissue of the eighth day. Thereafter, the number increased gradually. It reached 500 × 104 on the 20th day. The colony forming unit from the liver reached a peak on the 12th day (250 × 104) and thereafter the number decreased gradually. Histopathologically, the brain and liver were severely affected with the fungus. In the brain cysts with cryptococci continued to increase until the end of the experiment. On the other hand, in the liver several purulent foci appeared on the second day. On the eighth day numerous mononuclear cells accumulated at the foci and their lesions changed to granulomatous ones with cryptococci. The number of granulomatous lesions reached a peak on the 16th day in the mice inoculated with 5 × 106 cryptococci, and thereafter showed a tendency to decrease gradually.