Cystic growths sometimes occur in the parotid salivary gland; they are lined with stratified epithelium, usually of the cylindric type, and rest on a base of lymphoid tissue. The latter is generally hyperplastic, and its growth either makes the lining appear papillated or, if it is extreme, fills the whole cyst with epithelial-clad lymphoid nodules. In the latter event the epithelium generally proliferates and forms small acini, and the growth assumes the pattern of a cystic adenoma. Sometimes, as in Cunningham's1 case, the cysts are multiple. The epithelium is described by some authors as ciliated but more frequently as nonciliated. The cysts have appeared in persons of all ages from 12 to 74 years, have been twice as frequent in men as in women and are generally situated in the lower pole of the gland. Usually there are no symptoms except swelling with occasional twinges of pain unless there