Molecular Zeeman Effect, Magnetic Properties, and Electric Quadrupole Moments in ClF, BrF, ClCN, BrCN, and ICN

The molecular Zeeman effect in the following strongly nuclear coupled molecules was analyzed in magnetic fields near 20 000 G: 35ClF, 37ClF, 79BrF, 81BrF, 35Cl12C15N, 37Cl12C15N, 79Br12C15N, 81Br12C15N, and 127I12C15N. The molecular g values, the shielded nuclear g values, magnetic‐susceptibility anisotropies, and molecular quadrupole moments are determined for each of the above molecules. The isotope dependence in the molecular g values gives the electric dipole‐moment sign in −ClF+ and +ClCN−. The 127I nuclear magnetic shielding anisotropy in 127I12C15N was also determined. The known molecular structures combined with the above Zeeman data were used to determine the paramagnetic‐ and diamagnetic‐susceptibility tensor elements.