A Hypoglycemic Factor in Leukemic Tumors

A fall in blood sugar was observed in AKR mice inoculated with leukemic tumor BW5147. Marked amelioration of diabetes resulted from inoculation of alloxanized AKR mice with lymphatic leukemic tumor. Growth of this tumor was studied in normal and diabetic mice. Rate of tumor growth and blood sugar values were correlated. Increase in mass of tumor alone did not seem to explain hypoglycemia in these mice. Consequently, 3 extracts of tumor were made and tested for presence of a hypoglycemic factor. Blood sugar values of diabetic mice were determined before and after injection of tumor extracts. A saline extract did not show a hypoglycemic effect, nor did an extract made by insulin-extraction procedure. An acetone extract, however, exhibited moderate hypoglycemic activity. Time-response curves demonstrated that acetone-extractable material derived from 1 g of fresh tumor produced a fall in blood sugar of 7% at 15 minutes, 30% at 30 minutes, 25% at 1 hour, and 7% at 2 hours.