Previous explanations of vowel perception held that the most definitive information for vowel identity is the relatively constant formant frequencies in the steady‐state portions of vowels. Perceptual studies indicate, however, that vowels spoken in syllables with labial stop consonants are identified more accurately than vowels spoken in isolation. The present study investigated the nature and scope of this consonantal context advantage in the perception of ten American English vowels spoken by adult male and female speakers. Vowels in /p/‐vowel‐/p/, /b/‐vowel‐/b/, /k/‐vowel‐/k/, /k/‐vowel, and vowel‐/k/ syllables were identified much more accurately than isolated vowels. This is consistent with the hypothesis that dynamic acoustic information due to the coarticulation in syllables is important for vowel identification. Identification of vowels in /g/‐vowel‐/g/, /g/‐vowel, and vowel‐/g/ syllables was not better than isolated vowels and was significantly poorer than for other consonantal contexts. Acoustical analyses were performed to determine whether poor production of vowels could account for perceptual errors. Misproduced vowel targets could not account for the overall pattern of identification performance. Phonological factors were also considered but were found to be inadequate to account fully for the results.