Photochemical cross-linking of secondary structure in HeLa cell heterogemolts nuclear RNA in situ

The psoralen derivative 4′ -hydroxymethyl-4, 5′, 8-trimethylpsoralen psoralen (hydroxymethyltrioxsalen) has been used in experiments with isolated HeLa cell nuclei to photochemically cross-link double helical regions in heterogeneous nuclear RNA in situ Although there are other self-complementary sequences in hnRNA that can form base-paired structures upon phenol deproteinization or annealing, the present in situ cross-linking results demonstrate that some double-straned regions are an authentic component of native hnRNA structure. Moreover, these special regions of secondary structure are apparently highly accessible to chemical probes within the intact cell nucleus, despite the fact that hnRNA possesses a ribonucleoprotein organization.