Absence of ongoing activity in fibres arising from proximal nerve ends regenerating into mesothelial chambers

Morphological studies have indicated that proximal nerve ends of transected rat sciatic nerves regenerating into preformed mesothelial chambers show a different organization as compared to neuromas developed in contact with a muscle fascia. We have studied the physiological properties of nerve fibres arising from these types of preparations with reference to ongoing activity, response to mechanical stimulation and noradrenaline sensitivity. The study included also fibres arising from ligated and encapsulated neuromas. Fibres with ongoing activity arising from the neuroma could be found from neuromas in contact with a muscle fascia and also from ligated and encapsulated neuromas. This ongoing activity was enhanced by mechanical stimulation and i.v. infusion of noradrenaline. In contrast, fibres arising from proximal nerve ends in mesothelial chambers did not show ongoing activity. These silent fibres responded dynamically to light mechanical stimulation. Noradrenaline did not induce ongoing activity in these fibres.