Post-ischemic changes in the expression of Alzheimerʼs APP isoforms in rat cerebral cortex

A significant porportion (25%) of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) also shows vascular pathology. Recent ultrastructural studies demonstrated characteristic and extensive angio-architectural distortions of cerebral capillaries in AD brains. We examined the expression of APP mRNA isoforms of cerebral cortex after transient ischemia by middle cerebral artery occlusion, using RT-PCR. Neuronal damage and glial fibrillary acidic protein immunohistochemistry were also examined histologically. After transient ischemia, the Kunitz protease inhibitor-bearing isoforms (KPI-APP) were increased whereas APP 695, which lacks KPI domain, was decreased. Neuronal damage and GFAP- immunoreactive astrocytes were also observed. These results show that focal, transient ischemia alters KPIAPP/APP 695 ratio in cerebral cortex and this shift in APP isoforms could be related to neurodegeneration and/or activation of astrocytes during the ischemic process.