SUMMARY: The morphology is described of eight surface‐water gley soils developed in til in Wales and central and northern England. Physical and chemical analyses as well as micromorphological observations are used to investigate processes affecting the genesis of the soils.The characteristic property of surface‐water gley soils, namely slowly permeable subsurface horizons, causes a degree of periodie waterlogging within the profile. Effects of gleying and shrink/swell processes are described.Three main aspects of weathering are shown to be operating: decalcification in two of the three calcareous profiles, the breakdown of coarse into finer particles and the alteration of the clay fraction, chiefly the formation of mixed‐layer minerals from mica.Argillic B horizons are present in some soils. In profiles developed in calcareous till the degree of decalcification relates strongly to the amounts of recognizable clay concentrations as seen in thin section. Of the other five profiles three clearly have argillic B horizons. Problems associated with the identification of argillic B horizons in surface‐water gley soils in till are discussed.