The role of the ionosphere in coupling upstream ULF wave power into the dayside magnetosphere

A series of recent studies of Pc 3 magnetic pulsations in the dayside outer magnetosphere has given new insights into the possible mechanisms of entry of ULF wave power into the magnetosphere from a bow shock related upstream source. In this paper we first review many of these new observational results by presenting a comparison of data from two 10‐hour intervals on successive days in April 1986 and then present a possible model for transmission of pulsation signals from the magnetosheath into the dayside magnetosphere. Simultaneous multi‐instrument observations at South Pole Station, located below the cusp/cleft ionosphere near local noon, magnetic field observations by the AMPTE CCE satellite in the dayside outer magnetosphere, and upstream magnetic field observations by the IMP 8 satellite show clear interplanetary magnetic field field magnitude control of dayside resonant harmonic pulsations and band‐limited very high latitude pulsations, as well as pulsation‐modulated precipitation of what appear to be magnetosheath/boundary layer electrons. We believe that this modulated precipitation may be responsible for the propagation of upstream wave power in the Pc 3 frequency band into the high‐latitude ionosphere, from whence it may be transported throughout the dayside outer magnetosphere by means of an “ionospheric transistor.” In this model, modulations in ionospheric conductivity caused by cusp/cleft precipitation cause varying ionospheric currents with frequency spectra determined by the upstream waves; these modulations will be superimposed on the Birkeland currents, which close via these ionospheric currents. Modulated region 2 Birkeland currents will in turn provide a narrow‐band source of wave energy to a wide range of dayside local times in the outer magnetosphere.