Myelin-Associated Glycoprotein in the Central and Peripheral Nervous System of Quaking Mice

The myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) as quantitated in the CNS and PNS of quaking mice and the levels compared to the levels of myelin basic protein (MBP) and 2'':3''-cyclic nucleotide 3''-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) activity. In the brainstems of 36-day-old quaking mice, MBP, MAG, and CNPase were reduced to 12, 16, and 29% of control levels, respectively. In the sciatic nerves of the 36-day-old quaking mice, MBP and CNPase were 38 and 75% of control levels, respectively, whereas the concentration of MAG was unchanged or slightly increased similar quantitative results were obtain from the sciatic nerves and spinal roots of 7-month-old quaking mice. Immunoblots showed that the principal MAG band from the brainstems, sciatic nerves and spinal roots of the quaking mice had a higher than normal apparent Mr. In addition, there was a minor component reacting with anti-MA antiserum in the brainstems of the quaking mice that had a slightly lower Mr than control MAG and was not detected in the normal mice. The results for the quaking mice are compared with those from similar studies on other mutants with dysmyelination of the CNS and PNS.