Quantitative Determination of the Melanin Contents in Ocular Tissues from Human Blue and Brown Eyes

This paper deals with our findings on the quantities of melanin in the tissues from blue and brown eyes. The amount of melanin in the iris, ciliary body and retinal pigment epithelium-choroid was separately determined. The results are expressed as the amount of melanin in mg tissue as well as the amount of melanin in the whole tissue. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the melanin content of the iris in blue and brown eyes. However the ciliary body and retinal pigment epithelium-choroid from brown eyes had more melanin than the corresponding tissues from blue eyes. Blue and brown eyes with higher colour intensity had more melanin than the corresponding eyes with lesser intensity of colour. It is suggested that the differences between brown and blue eyes in their melanin content may have relevance to the pharmacokinetics of drugs that bind to melanin. This would mean that the larger amounts of melanin would decrease the initial levels of the drugs and would increase the drug levels after prolonged periods.