In several publications on "Sporotrichosis in Man," investigators have advanced the theory that the infection in some of the cases was undoubtedly from cases of animal sporotrichosis. The evidence supporting their views is mostly indirect, and since 1911 it has been my effort to investigate such cases and to reach, if possible, more definite conclusions. Most of the work which I report in this paper was carried out in Pennsylvania. Spontaneous sporotrichosis in animals has been known to exist in the United States since 1909, when Page, Frothingham and Paige1described their findings of sporotricha in the pus of abscesses, which had been collected from so-called cases of "epizootic lymphangitis" in Butler County, Pennsylvania. The disease of "epizootic lymphangitis" was reported by Pearson2in 1907, his attention having been called— by veterinarians in the western part of the state — to such cases, which resembled farcy, but did