The excretion of hippuric acid by rabbits which had received Na benzoate took place at a constant rate ranging from 115 to 166 mg./hr. Admn. of glycine increased this rate. The formation of benzoylglucuronide follows the kinetics of a Ist-order reaction with velocity constant 0.08 hr. -1. The process of conversion of benzamide, toluene, benzyl alcohol and benzaldehyde to benzoic acid also follow lst-order reaction kinetics with velocity constants 0.32, 0.11, 1.00 and 0.33 hr. -1 respectively. Mathematical treatment of the observed kinetics gives expressions from which theoretical values can be derived which are in agreement with exptl. observations and offer an explanation for the different proportions of benzoylglucuronide and hippuric acid excreted after admn. of benzoic acid at different dose levels either as Na benzoate or as precursors. The well-known species differences in the degree of conjugation of benzoic acid with glucuronic acid is also explained.