Effects of Dimethoate on Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) When Applied to Flowering Lemons

Honey bee, Apis mellifera L., visitation to lemon, Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f., flowers nearly ceased after lemon groves were treated with dimethoate. Bee visitation remained low for 2 weeks after treatment. Colonies placed in a treated orchard the day after treatment lost more than 1,000 bees the first day; losses greater than normal continued for 1 week. Colonies brought in up to 2 weeks later also had more than normal mortality during a 2- or 3-day period after they were exposed to the dimethoate-treated lemon trees. Nectar removed from flowers had dimethoate residues greater than 0.1 ppm for up to 8 days after treatment. Nectar shaken from combs had maximum dimethoate residues of 0.1 ppm. Honey from exposed colonies had no detectable residues.