Taxonomy of Marine Pyrenomycetes

Treatment of taxonomic literature of marine pyreno-mycetous fungi, including 30 genera and about 70 spp., with key to genera and keys to spp. of certain genera. Species differentiation in Lulworthia Suth. (syn. Halophiobolus Linder) is based on ascospore and appendage length. Two genera, ANTENNOSPORA and TORPEDO-SPORA, 5 spp., A. caribbea, T. radiata, Arenariomyces salina, Lulworthia grandispora and Lulworthia floridana, and 1 variety, L. medusa var. biscaynia are described. Seven spp. and 1 genus are reduced to synonymy, and 4 spp. transferred to other genera. Other data given are: index of hosts, including various algae, vascular plants, wood and cordage; morphological variation in the 7 genera, Lulworthia, Ceriosporopsis, Lignincola, Antennospora, Arenariomyces, Peritricho-spora and Torpedospora; discussion of perithecial variability in the systematics of various genera; and extensive collection data on A. carib-bea and Lulworthia spp. in Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean, and the Bahamas.

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