Identification of Vibrio cholerae by enzyme electrophoresis

Zymovar analysis of 260 strains of Vibrio cholerae plus 3 reference strains of V. mimicus, using 13 structural loci, led to the grouping of strains in 73 zymovars (strain or group of strains sharing the same alleles). Effective separation of strains, distinction of V. cholerae strains from closely related V. mimicus and the detection of 2 vibrio strains, including one with two O1 serovars, in supposedly pure collection cultures, illustrate the potential of zymovar analysis in the identification of V. cholerae isolates. Two El Tor strains from USA, one CT+ and the other CT-, shared the same zymovar 71, while 127 typical El Tor strains belonged to zymovar 14.