Comparaison de deux méthodes d'estimation de la production naturelle de smolts de saumon atlantique (Salmo salar L.).

Two estimations methods of smolts number are compared in Oir River, tributary of Selune River (Low-Normandy)[France]. The first one estimates the smolts number from the analysis of characteristics of the habitat and of growth bimodality phenomena observed in 0+ autumn population. The second method evaluates the smolts production from the catches by trapping. This study shows that the estimations made by the two methods are close. Nevertheless there exist some more or less important differences according to year and age class. It shows also that the smolts come mainly from the upper mode of 0+ autumn population. Lastly the over winter survival rates values used in the first method give 1+ smolts estimations near of those made by trapping, results are less reliable for 2+ smolts. Results are discussed and different aspects are analysed in order to obtain a better agreement between the two methods.

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