Response of adult male rats to LH-RH after neonatal immunization with antiserum to LH-RH

Male rats were passively immunized at day 5 of age with LH-RH [luteinizing hormone releasing hormone, luliberin] antiserum. Their response to LH-RH at 100 days of age was examined. Serum FSH [follicle stimulating hormone, follitropin] and LH [luteinizing hormone, lutropin] concentrations increased more than in control rats, although basal plasma levels were similar. The pituitary content of LH, but not FSH, was significantly increased and hypothalamic content of LH-RH was similar in both groups. The testes and seminal vesicles were smaller in experimental animals than in controls. Apparently transient blockade of LH-RH secretion during the neonatal period produces abnormalities in pituitary-testicular function in the adult rat.