Measurement ofp−pinclusive cross sections at very high energy

We measured the differential inelastic cross section Ed3σdP3 for particles produced in very-high-energy proton-proton collisions at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings. We studied the inclusive reaction p+px + anything, where x was a π+, K+, or proton. The momenta of the two colliding beams varied from 15.3 to 26.5 GeVc. This was equivalent to a single beam of 500 to 1500 GeVc hitting a target. We measured the dependence of Ed3σdP3 on the transverse and longitudinal momenta of the outgoing particles, P and P. We detected these particles with a spectrometer containing magnets and scintillation and Cerenkov counters. The first two magnets steered particles with the correct P and P down the axis of the spectrometer. The third magnet deflected the particles vertically for momentum analysis. A coincidence of the five scintillation counters indicated an event and the Čerenkov counters tagged it as a pion, kaon, or proton. The luminosity was measured by the Van der Meer method. We found that when Ed3σdP3 was plotted against X=PPmax, it was energy-independent from 12 to 1500 GeV, especially for π+ data. This supports a type of scaling suggested by Feynman and Yang et al. At small X, the pion cross section has a flat maximum, while the proton cross section decreases slightly. When plotted against P2, the pion and proton cross sections both behave as at lower energies: exp(4.0P2). The pion cross section has a distinct forward peak exp(10P2) which is absent in the proton case. The K+π+ ratio is about 10%, with rather poor statistics.